For Immediate Release
Posted: January 10, 2025


Michael Mozer, Design Service Chief
(603) 271-2297
Jennifer Lane, Chief Communications Officer
(603) 271-6495

New Hampshire Granted $15M for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Community Efforts give NH Next Level opportunities

The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) and New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) are pleased to announce that the State of New Hampshire was awarded $15 million in federal grant funding to strategically deploy publicly accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure throughout the State under the Federal Highway Administration’s Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program. The awarded CFI grant funds will be used to administer a program aptly named “Next Level NH,” which will take public Level 2 (L2) and Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC), in both urban/suburban and rural areas, to the next level in New Hampshire by increasing EV charging hubs through the state. 

The NHDOT, as the primary applicant, collaborated with NHDES, New Hampshire Regional Planning Commissions/Metropolitan Planning Organizations, local governments, Clean Energy NH, and the Granite State Clean Cities Coalition to identify projects that meet National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Standards and Requirements. The "Next Level NH" initiative aims to support two key education and outreach efforts: a Technical Assistance Provider Network and an EV Basic-Training Bootcamp. Additionally, "Next Level NH" seeks to facilitate EV travel, boost EV adoption, and address range anxiety while reducing localized greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes by establishing EV charging hubs in currently underserved areas.

This funding will activate construction of critical community-based infrastructure, building upon the efforts of the NEVI formula funds through NHDOT’s EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan and NHDES’ corridor-based DCFC grant program funded through NH’s Volkswagen Mitigation Trust.

For more information visit:
NHDOT’s website: EV Charging Infrastructure | Department of Transportation 
NHDES’ website: Alternative Fuel and Electric Vehicles | NH Department of Environmental Services