News Release
(603) 271-2693
Richard Arcand, Public Information Officer
(603) 271-6495
Nighttime Supermove from Manchester to Londonderry
Rolling roadblocks and temporary road closures will impact road users along the route for several hours.
The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) has approved the route for Bay Crane Northeast LLC of Smithfield, RI to transport heavy equipment from Gay Street in Manchester to Brewster Road in Londonderry beginning at 9 pm on Tuesday, July 16, 2024.
The hauling equipment and load will be 181 feet long and weigh 752,000 pounds. The Supermove route includes the NH Route 3A, Perimeter Road, and NH Route 28 in Manchester and will continue along Route 28 in Londonderry and Derry, NH to Scobie Pond Road. The Supermove includes three special bridge crossings where temporary “jumper bridges” will limit travel in the area. Each jumper location will have temporary closures that could last 30 minutes or more. The remainder of the route will require rolling roadblocks for the duration of the move.
Traffic control during the move will include yellow light escorts and NH State Police. Road users should expect delays and remain alert when traveling along the Supermove route.
Weather permitting, the move will start at 9 pm on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, and is planned to end at approximately 3:00 am on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
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