For Immediate Release
Posted: December 12, 2024


Stephen G. LaBonte, Esq., Senior Hearings Examiner
(603) 271-1484
Jennifer Lane, Chief Communications Officer
(603) 271-6495

Salem DOT 2024-05 Prehearing Conference

This meeting will discuss the Petition to install at-grade crossing at Brunello Road in Salem.

The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) will hold a Prehearing Conference to discuss a Petition filed to install an at-grade crossing over the Manchester & Lawrence Railroad Corridor at Brunello Road. 
A PREHEARING CONFERENCE is being scheduled to facilitate the proceeding. The Prehearing Conference is scheduled for Friday, December 20, 2024@ 1:00 pm at the Department of Transportation, John 0. Morton Building - Room 114, 7 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301.  

The purpose of the Pre-Hearing Conference is to: 

  1. Identify and simplify the issues; 
  2. Determine if any issues of fact or law may be submitted to the Hearing Examiner by agreement; 
  3. Schedule further hearings, determine how information will be shared between the parties, identify witnesses to be called at the hearing, and otherwise structure the final hearing; and 
  4. Consider any other matter that may aid in the disposition of the proceeding. 

The parties are identified as the Town of Salem and the New Hampshire Department of  

The parties shall attend the hearing and be prepared and authorized to discuss and take action on the following pursuant to Tra 202.11: 

  • offers of settlement; 
  • simplification of the issues; 
  • stipulations or admissions as to issue of fact or proof by consent of parties;
  • limitations on the number of witnesses;
  • changes to standard procedures;
  • consolidation of examination of witnesses;
  • exchange of relevant information;
  • a proposed final hearing date;
  • whether all necessary parties have been joined;
  • whether notice was provided to all interested parties; and
  • any other matters that aid in the disposition of the proceeding. 

This is not the Final Hearing and witnesses need not attend. 

NHDOT programs and services will be administered by the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all applicable regulations to ensure nondiscrimination. Should you need this information in alternate formats please contact the NHDOT Public Information Office at, or by phone at, (603) 271-6495, PO Box 483, Concord, NH 03302 0483. TDD access: Relay NH 1 800 735 2964.