Did you know that New Hampshire has 25 airports that are open to the public? Well it's true and it's just one of many system assets we keep track of. In fact the NHDOT works hard to develop an accurate inventory so that further analysis of the entire transportation network can be performed and utilized by anyone.

The NHDOT released an updated version of the condensed, easy to read Fact Book that contains information about who we are, how we are structured, which assets we are responsible for, and what funding is available for transportation.

  • 2160 State Bridges
  • 1690 Municipal Bridges
  • Bridge Maps

3460 NHDOT managed miles of roadway -2021 Facts and Figures 


  • About 450 miles of operating rail (203 state, 242 other)

  • 1643 Permanent Positions
  • Six District Maintenance Offices