State Visitor Resources

The State of New Hampshire is well known as the home of the White Mountains with the best hiking and skiing in the Northeast! The links below are provided for visitors looking for things to do, places to stay.

Travel Planning

Public Transportation

NH Rideshare and Park & Ride are now CommuteSmart NH! The goal is the same, but the technology is even better. Register for CommuteSmart NH's FREE ride-matching service.

Receive a list and interactive map of:

  • Possible carpool matches
  • Transit options (if available)
  • Park & Ride lots on or near your route
  • Suggested biking and walking routes (if requested)

Personalized matches for regular commutes as well as one time trips are just a few clicks away.

  • Railroads - Rail resources from the bureau of Rail and Transit.
State Rest Areas
Visit NH
NH State Parks
Trails Bureau
NH Fish & Game
Cannon Mountain
Scenic & Cultural Byways