Consultant Selection
NHDOT projects for which consultant services are anticipated can be found here. Additionally, individual projects which the Department's Consultant Selection Committee has taken action on, and their respective short lists are available here.
The Process…
The NH Department of Transportation will post (by date) projects in which consultant services are anticipated. A consultant interested in providing the services indicated on a particular project should submit a letter of interest to the Department through the Chairman of the Consultant Selection Committee.
The Department's Consultant Selection Committee will prepare a long and then short list of Consultants, for approval by the Assistant Commissioner. Upon that approval, shortlisted firms will be notified with receipt of a "Request For Proposal" (RFP). This is a technical RFP request only. Upon receipt and rating of these technical proposals, short listed firms will be notified of the results and the successful firm will be asked to submit a fee proposal for negotiations.
Final contract approval is by Governor and Council action. After Governor and Council approval of the contract with the selected firm, the technical proposals of the short listed firms will be available for review.
Available Information…
- Department's Procurement Manual
- 2025 Salary Rate Calculation Form
- Sub-Consultant Indirect Cost Rate Self-Certification Form
- 2025 Contract Escalation Rate
- 2025 Mileage Reimbursement Rate
- Invoicing Procedures for Consultant Services 12-1-2024
- Invoice Review Checklist
- Final Invoicing Templates
- Standardized Scope of Work
The Consultant Selection information here includes the Short List Projects, a compilation of recent Consultant projects, including those short-listed Consultants, the selected firm, fee for services and the Governor and Council date. Additionally, the Projects Soliciting for Interest include Qualifications-Based contracts for consideration by the Consultant Selection Committee and Prequalified Low-Bid contracts by Individual Bureaus.