Real-Time Travel Info

The NHDOT has a dedicated team that watches over our system of roads, bridges, airports - all of the NHDOT transportation assets. They are TSMO! The NHDOT Transportation Systems Management Operation provides updates, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on weather conditions, road closures and much, much more. See it all in one place at

Real-Time Travel Information

To view current traffic conditions for your trip sign up for MyTrip Alerts at New England 511.

New England 511 logo

To receive Twitter alerts for a specific NH highway please follow one of these twitter feeds: Everett Turnpike, I-293, I-89, I-93, I-95, NH 101, other NH Routes (Rt 4, 9,/202, etc), and the Spaulding Turnpike.

To receive NHDOT messages regarding upcoming public meetings and construction please follow the NHDOT on Facebook, or sign up for NHDOT emails.

See something on the NH Highways? Call TSMO at (603) 271-6862.