Annual DBE Certification Reviews

NHDOT strives to ensure timely processing of annual DBE certification reviews and to ensure that qualified DBE/ACDBEs do not face delays in competing for federal-aid contracts or for concession opportunities.

Required Documentation

The following documentation is required for the annual certification reviews for all NHDOT DBE certified companies:

Incomplete applications shall not be processed and shall be returned to applicants. An application is considered complete when OAOC receives all the required paperwork from the applicant. Complete applications shall be processed within ninety (90) business days.

Send your application to:

IMPORTANT NOTICE: NHDOT still follows the USDOT guidance issued during the health pandemic and continues to accept NHDOT Affidavits of No Change (AoNC) without a notary’s seal and signature. If you are choosing to send unnotarized AoNC,  please provide a letter with your company’s letterhead, and the following statement:

"I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the information provided in the NHDOT Affidavit of No Change dated ______________ (provide the date when you signed the affidavit) is true and correct."

Electronic and remote notaries are accepted by must comply with RSA 456-B.