
The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

The NHDOT is a proud supporter of the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve program. Candidates that are active service members are encouraged to apply.

To search current Job Listings openings at the NHDOT please visit State of NH Job Opportunities.

Applicants are required to create an online profile and complete an electronic State of New Hampshire Application. Paper applications are no longer being accepted.

  • Questions about the position or your application? Please email us at jobs@dot.nh.gov or call Krista Robichaud, Recruitment and Training Specialist, at (603) 271-8026.
  • We have locations throughout NH, directions to NHDOT.

The NHDOT has five Divisions with different responsibilities that require people with various skills in:

Aeronautics, Rail and Transit

  • Accounting, Contract Management, Program Management

Finance and Contracts

  • Accounting, Financial Management


  • Bridge and Highway Maintenance, Mechanical Fleet Services and Management, Traffic Signs, Signals, Transportation Communications Management

Policy and Administration

  • Administration, Human Resources, Federal Program Management, Public Relations

Project Development

Asset Management, Engineering, Project Management, Construction Management, Community Planning, Materials Research, Right of Way/Property Research

DOT Employees Maintenance

Why Join NHDOT?

NHDOT employees make a difference in the daily lives of thousands of NH residents and visitors. The NHDOT is working hard building a 21st Century Transportation Network that our families and businesses can rely on. The work we do is rewarding and a critical public service.

Work/Life Balance

State of NH employment offers a variety of benefits including a defined pension, comprehensive health and dental care, and generous leave time. Many of the NHDOT employees enjoy a predictable work schedule for balancing their work and other commitments. Visit the State of NH Employee Benefits website to learn more about benefits, and the salary scales.

NHDOT is comprised of several Divisions, many Bureaus, District offices and maintenance sheds located throughout the State of New Hampshire. A description of our organization is as follows:

Division of Operations

Jobs to look for include: Highway Maintainer, Bridge Maintainer, Lift Bridge Worker, Transportation Management Communications Specialists, Telecommunications Technician,
Traffic Signal Technicians and Heavy Equipment/Welder Mechanics.

State Plow Truck

New Hampshire’s state roads, turnpikes system and bridges operate dependably and safely, thanks to the year-round dedication of the NHDOT bureaus’ of Turnpikes, Highway Maintenance and Bridge Maintenance personnel. The crews are out there every day serving residents and visitors, supporting commerce and preserving the unique quality of life in NH by keeping the roads clear and in a good state of repair. Mechanical Services knows it is important to have a well maintained fleet of vehicles to help meet our goals. Our team communicates traffic events through the Bureau of Transportation Systems Management and Operations while the Traffic Bureau uses signs and signals to maintain the safe and orderly movement of vehicles.

Division of Project Development

Jobs to look for include: Engineering Technicians, Civil Engineers and Geological Exploration Technicians.

DOT Employees Engineering

State of NH bridges, interconnected highways and multimodal travel options are planned, designed and built guided by engineering innovators working in bureaus like Bridge Design, Highway Design, and Construction. Property is acquired by Right-of-Way through negotiations and the appraisal process while providing assistance in relocation. The NHDOT’s methods and materials are actively researched, examined and regularly monitored by technicians in the Bureau of Materials and Research and the Bureau of Environment to ensure quality control while reducing transportation’s impact on the State’s natural, cultural and social resources. Planning and Community Assistance gathers and analyzes data to encourage smart growth and support economic development.

Division of Aeronautics, Rail & Transit

Jobs to look for include: Clerk, Program Assistant, Accounting Technician and Program Specialist.

NHDOT is responsible for multimodal travel options linking our rural and urban communities. An air transportation system, state-owned railroad properties, public transportation as well as bicycle and pedestrian transportation programs provide seamless interstate and intrastate connectivity.

Division of Finance

Jobs to look for include: Account Clerk, Accountant, Audit Technician, Financial Analyst and Program Specialist.

NHDOT is a business just like any other. The Bureau of Finance and Contracts supports the Department’s vision by securing dedicated and sustainable revenue streams for transportation that will allow the us to plan and deploy its diverse human and financial resources effectively. Finance is responsible for accounting, purchasing, budgeting, contracts and grants management.

Division of Policy & Administration

Jobs to look for include: Information Technology Manager, Program Specialist, Human Resources Assistant, and Human Resources Technician.

The Asset Management and Performance Strategies group coordinates all of the data, statistical analysis and research to help NHDOT make sound decisions to support our mission. Human Resources and the Office of Federal Compliance administratively support our employees. It takes a coordinated effort to bring our divisions together to achieve our mission of: “Transportation excellence enhancing the quality of life in New Hampshire.”

Directions to New Hampshire Department of Transportation

7 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301. Main lobby phone: 603-271 3734

A map to help locate NH State Agencies.

NH State Agency Map

From I-93 heading south, take exit 14 for NH-9/Loudon Road toward State Offices. At the bottom of the ramp, turn left onto NH-9 E/Loudon Road. Proceed to the set of lights at the top of the hill. Get in the far left lane to turn onto Hazen Drive. Take the second left (look for the old wooden roller and orange plow).

From NH-101 / I-93 coming north, take exit 14 for NH-9/Loudon Road toward State Offices. Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto NH-9 E/Loudon Road. Proceed to the set of lights at the top of the hill. Get in the far left lane to turn onto Hazen Drive. Take the second left (look for the old wooden roller and orange plow).

From US-202 /US-4 West, keep right onto I-393 W and take exit 2 for NH-132/East Side Drive. Turn left onto NH-132 S/East Side Drive and then turn right onto Hazen Drive toward the State Offices. Look for the old wooden roller and orange plow on the right.

From NH-9 E & I-89 S, take the I-93 North exit toward I-393/US 4/Concord. Keep left at the fork and follow signs for I-93 N toward the State Offices. Take exit 14 for NH-9 E/Loudon Road and use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto NH-9 E/Loudon Road and proceed to the set of lights at the top of the hill. Get in the far left lane to turn left onto Hazen Drive. Take the second left (look for the old wooden roller and orange plow).