On-The-Job Training Program
The purpose of the On-The-Job Training (OJT) Program is to address the under-representation of and to promote the advancement of women, minorities, and disadvantaged persons in the highway construction trades.
This program corresponds with the required contract provisions that require each contractor to take affirmative action to assure equal opportunity. The OJT Training Manual outlines the various classifications of training that contractors may select to meet the Training Special Provisions when made part of the contract. While demonstrating every Good Faith Effort (GFE) to fulfill OJT requirements is mandatory, the quality of training rests with each participating contractor. Many participating contractors have discovered new opportunities and hired quality employees through the OJT Program.
NHDOT OJT Program is a great opportunity to gain employment and develop a career in the transportation industry. Trainees can enjoy the practical approach to acquiring new competencies and skills needed a job in a real working environment. The training hours vary from 500-600 hours and are based on specific job classifications. The OJT Supportive Services Program offers assistance with removing barriers to employment such as reimbursement for boots, tools, training and similar.
OJT Documents
- OJT Program Manual
- OJT Training Supports Brochure
- OJT Good Faith Efforts (GFE) and Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Guidelines
- OJT CDL Training Flyer
- OJT Disadvantaged Individual Guidelines