Scoping Meeting Worksheet for Planning and Development
Scoping meetings for the upcoming federal fiscal year funds generally occur between May and September but can be done sooner depending on airport circumstances. The deadline for grant application submission to NHDOT for projects in the Airport Block Grant Program is April 1st each year. Please coordinate with NHDOT if this deadline cannot be met.
An updated Scoping/PreDesign Meeting Worksheet is available for your use. As an added bonus, this worksheet includes many of the FAA's Project Readiness Checklist items so they can be addressed at the time of the scoping meeting. While the intent is to use this worksheet on NH's Block Grant projects, non-Block Grant airports are welcome to use it as a guide but please follow your FAA Project Manager's lead on which form is appropriate to use. ABGP scoping meeting checklist 2017
While not needed for NH’s Block Grant airport projects, for non-Block Grant airport projects, if you need the updated (as of October 2016) FAA Project Readiness Form and directions, we have provided those for you as well. PRF Instructions 160422 1; Sponsor Project Readiness Form 160414 2