The New Hampshire Department of Transportation's Bureau of Traffic is responsible for the engineering and maintenance of signs, traffic signals, and pavement markings on the state highway and bridge system.
How can I report a safety concern on a State road?
Different types of concerns may be handled by different teams across the NHDOT. Reports of an unsafe location or intersection may be directed to the State Highway Safety Administrator. If there is a specific situation requiring attention call the main number (603) 271-3734 or email and for emergencies contact the TMC 24 hours a day/7 days a week at (603) 271-6862.
How can I request a speed limit to be changed?
Posted speed limits are established and changed in accordance with State and Federal law. For example, statutory speed limits for ‘business or urban residence districts’ and ‘rural residence districts’ are set by RSA 265:60 at 30mph and 35mph, respectively. Speed zones other than the statutory speed limits shall only be established on the basis of an engineering study that has been performed in accordance with traffic engineering practices. Based on past requests engineering studies typically justify raising speed limits, therefore such requests should be coordinated with the City or Town to assure there is community support before reaching out to the Bureau of Traffic with a formal request to initiate the study.
What can be done to get people to slow down and reduce their operating speed when they drive?
There are a number of devices commercially available to promote reduction of operating speeds, however when used in isolation typically result in only marginal changes in operating speed. While certain devices may be approved for a City or Town to install on the State roadways (by contacting Bureau of Traffic), a comprehensive traffic calming project that results in a change of character along the roadway may be the best option and can be advanced through the municipality and Regional Planning Commission for inclusion in a statewide capital plan.
How can I request a crosswalk?
Crosswalks are the portion of a pedestrian crossing that require vehicles to yield. Most elements of a pedestrian crossing, including the crosswalk paint, are the maintenance responsibility of the City or Town and as such should only be requested by a municipal official. Requests will be directed to the Chief of Traffic Engineering who will evaluate the location requested to assure it meets the State criteria, and determine the appropriate sign, beacon, and overhead street lighting treatments to enhance the conspicuity of the crossing.
How can I request a traffic signal (stop light)?
Intersection control type is evaluated based on Federal law in consideration of traffic volume and safety data. Since this would most often be a major change, it would be evaluated against other intersection alternatives and advanced as appropriate in a statewide capital plan with the support of the municipality and Regional Planning Commission.
How do I request a BLIND DRIVEWAY sign?
NHDOT does not allow these signs. The contour of the land statewide is such that hidden driveways are not uncommon. It has been found that these signs are often ignored by the motoring public and give a false sense of security to motorists using the driveway. If there is a sightline restriction from the driveway, the responsibility of achieving adequate sightlines lies with the owner of the private driveway pursuant to RSA 236:13. Should the property owner wish to pursue improvements, and any of the work falls within the State’s right-of-way, they may begin the process by contacting the appropriate District office of the Bureau of Highway Maintenance.
How do I request a NO ENGINE BRAKE or NO JAKE BRAKE sign?
NHDOT does not restrict the use of approved safety equipment in trucks or any other vehicle. Noise concerns often result from trucks with modified, and often illegal, exhaust systems. The noise should not be attributed to all trucks making use of engine braking systems. Coordination with police could help address noise concerns through enforcement of existing laws, without penalizing legitimate users of engine braking systems.
How do I request a SCHOOL BUS STOP AHEAD sign?
We ask that requests for these signs come from either the school or the bus company. We have found that these entities have a good idea of locations that are problematic for bus stops. They also know when bus stops are not in use anymore and can notify us to remove the signs so that they can be used at new locations. Note that not all stops warrant signs, just those where visibility is unreasonably limited.
How do I request a sign for a wildlife crossing, such as moose, deer, turtle, duck, etc.?
Recent studies have shown that the use of warning signs does not have any impact on wildlife/motorist collisions. While New Hampshire has reduced its use of these signs, many states have stopped installing them altogether. Currently we only install signs for deer and moose and only at locations verified by the NH Fish & Game Department as a particularly high risk.
How can I request a sign or pavement marking to remind motorists about bicycles along a State road?
Bicycles are a legitimate and common mode of vehicular travel, and should be expected by motorists on the entire secondary road system. Therefore it is rare that we would allow installation of such devices for a mode of travel commonly permitted along State roads. If a unique situation exists, such as a location where cyclists should be encouraged to occupy the entire lane as opposed to keeping to the right, the Bureau of Traffic can evaluate the situation and work with the municipality as needed.
How can I have a passing zone or no passing zone changed?
No passing zones are established when the visibility along the road is not suitable for passing based on the posted speed limit. Passing can also be restricted in other situations, such as locations where there are a number of intersecting streets. We review the no passing zones on an approximate 10-year cycle and often add no passing zones in situations where the speed limit has been increased or there has been significant land development on properties adjacent to the roadway. While the limits of passing zones are most commonly found to be appropriate, requests to have passing and no passing regulations re-evaluated can be made to the Bureau of Traffic and we will determine if there have been any changes in the area since our last review that would prompt further action.
How do I get information about driver licensing and registration?
Information is available from the Department of Safety, Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
Where can I get a permit for an oversize or overweight (OSOW) load?
Information is available from the NHDOT Oversize/Overweight Permit Office.
Where can I find information about advertising my business along a State road on a sign or billboard?
Learn more on our Outdoor Advertising Control page.
Where can I find information about E-ZPass electronic tolling?
Learn more on the NH E-ZPass page.
Where can I find traffic volume information?
Learn more on our Traffic Data and Information page.
Bureau Administration
Lee Baronas, P.E., Administrator/Traffic Engineer, (603) 271-1680,
Matthew Lampron, P.E., Chief of Traffic Operations/Assistant Administrator, (603) 271-2292,
Michael O'Donnell, P.E., Chief of Traffic Engineering/Assistant State Traffic Engineer, (603) 271-1581,
Physical Address:
18 Smokey Bear Boulevard
Concord, NH 03301
Signal out? Sign knocked down? Please contact the TMC 24 hours a day/7 days a week at (603) 271-6862.
General question? Please call the office at (603) 271-2291.