Welcome to the CAD/D Section

This area contains the documentation for the Department's Computer Aided Drafting/Design (CAD/D) system.

The CAD/D section has two primary functions: supporting and training the Department's MicroStation and OpenRoads users, and providing project visualization and photo rendering services.

Select one of the options below to view available information in that particular area.

This section contains general information and documentation that could be useful at multiple stages of the design process.

PDF Documentation

Connect Edition Introduction updated July 12, 2023

MicroStation Connect Documentation updated January 17, 2024

CAD/D Basics

Drawing Level Standards

Seed Files

AccuDraw Shortcuts

MicroStation Connect Drawings

OpenRoads Designer Drawing Names

Geographic Coordinate System

VBA Macros & Utility Programs

Specialized Tasks

Using Bing Maps

Working with Shape Files

Tips for Creating Color Plans

Working With LiDAR Data

Welcome to the New Hampshire Department of Transportation CAD/D File Library.

CAD/D workspace setup for MicroStation & OpenRoads Designer 2023  407 MB.  Updated June 19, 2024.
Civil seed files, feature libraries, roadway templates, macros and other associated files for MicroStation and OpenRoads Designer 2023. For help installing the workspace, see the "read me" file included within the download.

CAD/D workspace setup for MicroStation update 16 & OpenRoads Designer 2021-Release 2 133 MB.  Updated March 26, 2024.
Civil seed files, feature libraries, roadway templates, macros and other associated files for MicroStation update 16 and OpenRoads Designer 2021-Release 2.  3.5 MB. New September 13, 2023.
Sample seed project for MicroStation update 16 and OpenRoads Designer 2021-Release 2.

For help installing the workspace, see nhdot_connect-installation-readme.pdf

NHDOT CAD/D Procedures and Requirements

This document lists the current procedures and requirements to be used when drafting NHDOT CAD/D projects.

2022 CAD/D Procedures & Requirements

Previous versions of NHDOT CAD/D standards.

CAD/D Standards Archives

Excel sheet to create OpenRoads Designer parametric constraints for developing guardrail platforms.

Excel sheet to calculate culvert elevations for placement in OpenRoads Designer.

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