Cultural Resources
The Cultural Resources Program assists the Department in determining the presence of structures and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance associated with transportation projects.
This program requires coordination with historic resource agencies at the local, state and federal levels. Once areas of concern have been identified, program personnel and concerned parties make recommendations for the protection and/or mitigation of impacts to these culturally-significant sites.
Section 106 Programmatic Agreement
- Programmatic Agreement
- 2018 Summary Update
- Appendix A Certification Form
- Appendix B Certification Form
Program Comment for Post-1945 Concrete and Steel Bridges and Culverts
This Program Comment is intended to streamline project review by eliminating common "cookie-cutter" type bridges and culverts from Section 106 review, while focusing on more important and significant examples.
- NHDOT Guidance on Using the Program Comment for Common Post-1945 Concrete and Steel Bridges
- New Hampshire Recordation of Bridges that Apply to the Program Comment for Common Post-1945 Concrete & Steel Bridges (form must be filled out and submitted with RPR or PA)
- List of NH Bridges Exempt from Inclusion in the Program Comment (These bridges will require individual review under Section 106)
- Cultural Resource Effect Memo - For Projects Not Directly Managed By NHDOT (Updated December 2015)
- Cultural Resources Meeting Minutes
- Section 106 Consulting Party Process In New Hampshire
- NHDOT Archaeological Standards & Guidelines and Appendices
- NHDOT Stone Wall Policy Guidelines, edited 2017
Historic Contexts:
- NH Railroads: Historic Context Statement, April 2001 (updates to make searchable 2021)
- Safety Rest Areas of New Hampshire, March 2019
- NHDOT Maintenance Facilities, 2019
- Mid-20th Century Residential Architecture in NH: 1945-1975 and Appendix A & B
Historic Bridge Information:
- Disposition of Historic Bridges (Bridges for Sale) **NEW**
- NHDOT's Historic Bridge Inventory and GIS Review handout
- Clifford Broker, Sr. Monograph, 2011
- Harold E. Langley, Annotated Bibliography of Published Works and List of Attributed Bridge Plans, July 2012
- Robert John Prowse Monograph, Portfolio and Figure Appendix (26MB, large file), January 2010
- John William Storrs Monograph, Design Portfolio, and 1918 Handbook for Construction of Short Span Bridges.
- Gordon Russel Whittum Monograph and Portfolio with Figures (11 MB), 2014
- Historic Jack Arch Bridges of New Hampshire; Inventory and Significance Study, 2010
- Preventative Maintenance for Steel Truss Bridges brochure, April 2017
- Historic Moveable Bridges of New Hampshire, June 2019
Historic Culvert Information:
- Stone Highway Culverts in New Hampshire, 1750-1930
- NH Stone Culverts Asset Management Manual
- Stone Highway Culvert Appendix
- Stone Culvert Location Form
- Maintenance Inspection Form
Creative Section 106 Mitigation Examples
- Claremont - A History of the Claremont Municipal Airport, by Philip E. Pendleton, February 2019
- Farmington - Transportation in and about Farmington, By Lisa Mausolf July 2017
- Henniker - Brochure of the Historic Bridges of Henniker, New Hampshire, January 2019
- Laconia - Bridges to the Past: A Guide to the Historic Bridges of Laconia, Preservation Company 2022
- Ossipee - Bearcamp River Bridges video
- Rochester - Archaeology at the Wentworth Homestead Report, Educational Posters, and PowerPoint Presentation
- Swanzey - Swanzey Center History Booklet, Preservation Company, June 2021
- Weare - Timber, Concrete and Steel: Bridging Peaslee Road over the Piscataquog River, February 2015
Creative Mitigation Interpretive Signage
- Bristol - Central Street Bridge, Historic Documentation Company, 2009
- Carroll - Mount Washington Valley, Mount Washington Hotel and Crawford Notch, Preservation Company, 2015
- Danbury - The Northern Railroad, Preservation Company, 2023
- Dummer - Interpretative panels for Archaeology of the Upper Androscoggin River, Northeast Archaeology 2020
- Gilford - Interpretive sign for the 1927 Old Lake Shore Road Bridge, Preservation Company, 2020
- Haverhill - Interpretive sign for the 1919 Mill Street Trestle, Historic Documentation Company, 2019
- Lancaster-Guildhall - Sandy Knoll Archaeological Site and Rodgers' Rangers Bridge, Hunter Research, 2022
- Manchester - Kelly's Falls History, Historic Documentation Company, 2015
- Merrimack - Interpretive sign for the 1923 Darrah Bridge, Preservation Company 2020
- Merrimack - Soughegan Falls Industrial Power, Preservation Company 2021
- Newport - Interpretive sign for the 1936 Oak Street Truss Bridge in Newport, Kleinfelder, 2019
- Stratham - Newfields - Bridges over time, 2009
- Wentworth - Crossing the Baker River, Preservation Company 2022
The Flying Yankee Information and Documentation
- Questions Received & NHDOT Responses
- Request for Proposals
- NHDOT Procedure ENV 1-1FY Disposition of the Flying Yankee
- Draft Historic Preservation Deed Restriction (Covenant) Provisions
- NEPA Categorical Exclusion - Environmental Documentation
- Historic Inventory Form
- Determination of Eligibility Form
- Flying Yankee (Streamlined Train) (
- Location Maps
- Project Environmental Process Manual (for NEPA compliance)
- Release and Indemnification - Hobo Railroad (needed for anyone on the site visit on November 15th)
Bid Information for Architectural History Statewide Service Agreements
- Federal Highway Administration - Historic Preservation and Archaeology Program
- NH Division of Historical Resources
- Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
- Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's e106 Submission
- Federal Highway Administration - Section 4(f) Guidance
Jill Edelmann - Cultural Resource Program Manager,
Sheila Charles - Cultural Resource Program Specialist,